Visit by Josiah Mchome to Switzerland

It was with great pleasure that this summer the International School of Geneva, La Chataigneraie campus, sponsored a trip to the Geneva area to allow direct contact between Josiah Mchome, director of WATU and the local long- term donors and supporters of WATU.

It was not a long visit but every day was full. There were very useful discussions amongst the members of Association WATU in Geneva , meetings with donors allowing Josiah to express his thanks for the continued support over the years ,a day at the school with the opportunity for Josiah to give talks and to meet students who have been or were going on the long-standing La Chataigneraie Tanzania Trip and time to spend at the home of Richard and Katherine Heery, co-founders of WATU, People’s Participation in Education.

This was a memorable and fruitful trip in every way