National Form Six 2024 Exam Results

July saw excellent results at WATU Secondary School by this year’s Form VI. Continuing the standard of previous years, all students passed with high enough grades to alttend a university course next year.

Division one 7 students

Division two 12 students

Division three 2 students

There were no students in the Division four or fail category.

Many congratulations to both students and staff for these very successful results

Visit by Josiah Mchome to Switzerland

It was with great pleasure that this summer the International School of Geneva, La Chataigneraie campus, sponsored a trip to the Geneva area to allow direct contact between Josiah Mchome, director of WATU and the local long- term donors and supporters of WATU.

It was not a long visit but every day was full. There were very useful discussions amongst the members of Association WATU in Geneva , meetings with donors allowing Josiah to express his thanks for the continued support over the years ,a day at the school with the opportunity for Josiah to give talks and to meet students who have been or were going on the long-standing La Chataigneraie Tanzania Trip and time to spend at the home of Richard and Katherine Heery, co-founders of WATU, People’s Participation in Education.

This was a memorable and fruitful trip in every way

A Level Science

The CBG combination ( Chemistry Biology, Geography) were the first Science A level results from the school., made possible by the building of the new science lab. The school has how applied to offer the PCM combination (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) at the request of the current Form IV students and due also to parental interest in these subjects. Mr. Mchome writes that the students feel more comfortable and confident studying now that they have the lab with the correct facilities.

July's National Form 6 results

There were 18 students that sat the exam. Mr. Mchome writes that “we were very happy about the results , the best that we have received lately.”

Division 1 …10 students

Division 2 5 students

Division 3 3 students

There were no Division 4 or Division F.

Such results will allow these 18 students to stand a 99% chance of being admitted to universities for a degree progame. Congratulations to all our Form 6 students and to the staff.

January Form II exam results

The results of the Form II external exam, which was taken in 2022 by 29 of our students were published recently. Well done to the students as these results were very pleasing and we congratulate them on their hard work. Fourteen of the girls and boys received a Division 1, seven Division 2, five Division 3 and three Division 4

The English results were very good , fifteen students gaining a Division 1, and in the sciences Biology was the best subject with 7A’s and 7 B’s, followed by Chemistry with 3 A’s and 10 B’s..

All exam results for 2022 can be found on the Academics page.

More Exam Results Form 4

Form Four Results of the National Exams have come out. There were 27 candidates from WATU  Secondary and 25 of them will be eligible to go on to Form 5 to work for the A level qualification.

Diviision I 2, Division II 13, Division III 10, Division IV 2.

Mr. Josiah Mchome writes the results were not as good as usual. The teachers worked extremely hard with the students and they thought the results were good, considering the general academic level of this class. Some of the students had arrived from other schools and had not gone through the WATU Secondary programme. It required extra effort to make them cope with our standards.

Form 2 Exam Results (published in January)

The results of the National Form 2 examinations have recently been released and it is very encouraging to see how well the younger students at WATU Secondary are performing.

There were:-

14 Division I, 7 Division II, 5 Division III, 3 Division IV.

There are some fine students in this year who have gained an A grade in nearly all of the 9 subjects examined. Well Done Form 2 for all your hard work and thanks to the teachers for guiding your students to success.

The Science Laboratory is Complete

The first use of the new science lab. is an occasion to celebrate!

After the fund-raising, the very generous donations, the construction and the stocking with equipment and supplies, the students are now enjoying both their lessons and practicals in the new facility.

All at WATU Secondary are very thankful to all our donors as the lab. enables the school to now offer A level science subjects, a very necessary expansion in the curriculum.

The pictures below show the biology teacher Mr. William Njau with his students.


Form IV 2020-2021 Students

After a successful year Mr. Mchome is pleased to announce that ” 28 of the students selected to do A Levels, 7 students opted for technician courses in accountancy, health sciences, veterinary sciences and business management and we are waiting for the selection of 6 students.”

To the whole year we offer our congratulations and all the best for your next academic courses.

2021 Starts With Good News

What Excellent Results!  

Josiah Mchome has received the results of the public exams that Form II and Form IV took at the end of 2020; as he says “it is all jumping and singing here.”

The results are excellent, especially considering the Covid lockdown in spring when students were sent home with little chance of accessing learning resources.  Mr Mchome writes that the high attainment levels “are a good testimony to the professional maturity and commitment to the well being of the school, our children and our country” by the staff.

Well Done Forms II and IV.

Well Done to all the staff.

(The  details of the results can be found on the Academics page.)




Building Work Continues

The new A level science laboratory building is progressing well. The roof is now going up and the end is in sight.

The fund-raising for the equipping and furnishing of of the lab. has also made great progress. Enough has been raised to complete the lab. once the building is finished.

The whole WATU community looks forward to courses starting at the beginning of the new 2021 school year.


Important Dates

The 2020/2021 Form IV class starts their national examinations on the 23rd November finishing on the 2nd December. All our supporters wish the class the very best in their endeavours. The 2020/2021 Form II class heve completed their national exams which took place between the 9th and the 13th November. The results will not be out until early next year. (See previous year’s results on the Academics page)

After a very full first term back, following the COVID-19 closure in March, the school announces the end of year holiday starts on the 18th December.

Progress on the Science Lab.

Josiah Mchome writes that very encouraging progress has been made on the science laboratory. By the end of the week work on the wall structures will be finished, shortly to be followed by the roofing stage.

There is great excitement amongst the school community at the prospect of the school being able to offer courses in the science A levels in the next academic year.

Form VI Exam Success

Josiah Mchome writes:-

The National Form VI 2020 results have very recently been released.

22 candidates were entered for the exams and 21 passed with higher division 2 and 1 student with higher division3.

We are very happy with these results. Due to Covid-19 students were at home for 2 months prior to the exams, with no computers to work with and no chance of extra tuition due to their poor financial status.

WATU Secondary is placed 32/137 in the country in the small school category.

Staff Changes

Josiah Mchome writes:-

 Due to the resignation of Mr. Kundael, we are pleased to announce that we have employed our former student Juma Khatibu as a replacement. He was recommended by all teachers who taught him, students he was helping when he was at the school and his University Professors I talked to.  We believe that he will do a good job and he has already started on a strong note.