2019 Exams

2019 has seen some highly commendable results in all forms and below is an overview.

The year started with national Form Four results which placed WATU Secondary 51out of 270 schools in Kilimanjaro region.

A new introduction by the government are district exams in Forms One and Three. WATU Secondary  is one of the forty schools in Hai District.

 In Form One the results placed the school 6th and in Form Three the school was placed1st. Especially pleasing were the very good results in physics, chemistry, biology and maths where overall the school was placed2nd. The lower school lab is obviously a factor in the development of the students in these subjects.

21 of our Form Five students have been accepted for A level courses next year and 8 for professional courses in nursing, business, community development and veterinary science.

Finally Form Six, the graduating class, did extremely well.

  Division 1 = eight students

  Division 2 = twelve students

  Division 3 = two students

There were no fails and indeed many of the Division 2 students missed Division 1 by one point.

Congratulations to all the staff and students. WELL DONE